Aluminium Windows: Pros, Cons & Costs


Aluminium windows are incredibly durable, stylish, and a long term investment for your home. They’re also one of the most popular types of windows installed in the UK, and for good reason.

They’re lightweight and relatively inexpensive to install, which means they can save you money on your energy bills. On top of that, they provide better insulation than most other window types, which helps to keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Why choose aluminium windows?

Aluminium windows are constructed from extruded aluminium profiles that are thicker and heavier than standard window profiles. The result is a window that is stronger, more energy efficient, and just as beautiful as a standard window.

Aluminium windows are often designed to be as large as possible, offering up a panoramic view of beautiful scenery. Aluminium windows are perfect for homes that want to maximise the natural light in the home, and are also a great option for homeowners that want to reduce their energy costs while maintaining the cool aesthetic of a traditional window.

Aluminium windows are available in a variety of sizes and styles, and are often built to custom dimensions and specs for new property developments.

Advantages of Aluminium Windows

As well as their aesthetic appeal, there are many other advantages of aluminium window frames:

Versatile Designs

Aluminium is a incredibly versatile metal that can be easily shaped into just about any design you can think of. Its strength also makes it a great choice for large panes of glass, which means you can make your heating system as transparent or opaque as you like. And thanks to its resistance to corrosion, aluminium is the ideal material with which to construct your heating system.

Minimalistic Window Frames

If you’re looking to let as much light into your home as possible or simply want to enjoy the view then aluminium windows are for you. These windows are designed to let in as much natural light as possible without the need for any framework around the edge of the glass.

This not only allows for a greater degree of natural light but it also means that you are able to enjoy a view out of your window without the need for blinds or curtains.

You’re also able to control the amount of light that comes into your home, allowing you to set the scene exactly how you want it, without the need for a full build out.

Extremely Durable

Aluminium windows are extremely durable, more so than other materials and so they often last many years as they are extremely resistant to the elements, including the cold, moisture, heat and sunlight.

Reduced Energy Bills

Since aluminium windows often have very minimalistic window frames, the majority of the window consists of the actual window panes themselves, which are extremely well insulated. This means that compared to other types of frames, the aluminium variety are particularly efficient, helping you to save even more money on your heating bills.

Strong & Secure

Aluminium is not the strongest metal there is, but its surprisingly strong material for a window, helping you to keep your home secure and safe from intruders.

Recyclable Windows

Unlike other plastic window materials, aluminium can be recycled completely, meaning that it won’t end up in a landfill but can be re-used again and again.

That makes it an environmentally conscious choice to have aluminium windows installed, compared to the likes of uPVC windows.

Check out our complete guide on the price of new windows, if you want a rough idea of how much you can expect to pay (including installation). You can also read about the various window styles available, as well as double glazingtriple glazing and decorative windows.

Disadvantages of Aluminium Windows

Like anything in life, there are pros and cons to aluminium windows. By far the biggest disadvantage is their price, especially when compared to uPVC and timber windows that are a fraction of the cost.

Here are some other things to bear in mind if you are considering aluminium windows:

Appearance Limitations

Ultimately, an aluminium window has a certain appeal and for many people, they just don’t fit in with their aesthetic preferences.

Condensation or “Misty Windows”

Aluminium is an excellent conductor of heat, which makes it an effective material for building heat exchangers, such as those found in boiler systems.
However, as aluminium is a relatively poor heat transfer fluid, condensation is likely to form on the exterior of the material, causing damage and increasing the likelihood of failure.

Aluminium Window Styles

If you have decided that aluminium windows are the right material for your property, there are also a variety of different styles to choose from:

Casement aluminium windows

Casement aluminium windows are attached to the frame by hinges at the side and open outwards. This feature enables the window to roll up on it s own weight and store within a narrow space, giving you more space and light.

Sash aluminium windows

Sash windows can be opened and closed by a single lever or a crank. It helps to increase airflow in the room and reduce energy bills. It is more secure and a better option than double glazing.

Tilt and turn aluminium windows

Tilt and turn aluminium windows are designed to open inwardly, allowing you to control your heating and cooling with as little noise as possible. You can open them from the top downwards, or from the side to make accessing the windows easier. You can also install multiple windows to increase your heating and cooling capacity.

Aluminium Window Costs (Including Installation)

The price of aluminium windows will depend on the size and type of window you have, and installation costs will also vary depending on which company does the installation.

The prices for aluminium windows will vary depending on the style and size. Here are some rough estimates:

Casement aluminium windows

Size (cm) Cost Estimate
60 x 90 £600 – £750
90 x 120 £700 – £950
120 x 120 £800 – £1,000

Sash aluminium windows

Size (cm) Cost Estimate
60 x 90 £1,100 – £2,000
90 x 120 £1,300 – £2,600
120 x 120 £1,600 – £3,500

Tilt and turn aluminium windows

Size (cm) Cost Estimate
60 x 90 £900 – £1,300
90 x 120 £1,200 – £1,800
120 x 120 £1,300 – £2,100

Aluminium windows vs uPVC Windows

Are aluminium windows better than uPVC windows?

Aluminium frames will stand the test of time, are easily maintained, and look great as they age. They are also extremely corrosion resistant which means that they can last for many, many years in harsh environments. The downside of aluminium is that it is a soft metal and can be damaged easily. If this happens, your window will have to be replaced.

Here are the key points to remember:

  • Aluminium is more durable so will likely last much longer.
  • uPVC windows are typically cheaper.
  • uPVC windows are more sound proof.

Get a Free Quote for your New Aluminium Windows Today

The number one advice when shopping for new windows for your home is to secure at least three quotes from local installers.

Your priority shouldn’t necessarily always be price, since the reputation of the company, aftercare and the warranty are also all important factors.

Going for the cheapest may mean paying less upfront, but in the long term you may pay more in terms of time, stress and repairs.

Here at Window Central, we have a network of reliable and trustworthy window installers throughout the UK. Request your free quote now and you should receive a range of quotes from our network in the next 24 hours (at the latest).

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